Question of the Week

Question of the Week; Who Would You Switch Places With
Question of the Week; Who Would You Switch Places With
Question of the Week; Who Would You Switch Places With
WJON's Question of the Week is asking listeners if you could changes places with someone who would it be and why? The answer could be an athlete, actor, the President or anyone else. Let us know by calling 320-252-5852 between 9:10-10, by emailing or comment on facebook.
Question of the Week; Best Cartoon
Question of the Week; Best Cartoon
Question of the Week; Best Cartoon
WJON's Question of the Week is asking everyone to give us their favorite cartoon. It can be Bugs Bunny, the Simpsons or Family Guy for example. Let us know what your favorite is by calling 320-252-5852 between 9:10-10 Friday, by emailing or comment on facebook.
Question of the Week; First Job Experience
Question of the Week; First Job Experience
Question of the Week; First Job Experience
WJON's Question of the Week is asking listeners this week about their first job experiences. What did you do before you settled on the career or job you currently have? It could by mowing lawn, babysitting, rock picking, etc... Let us know your first job experience by calling 320-252-5852, email or comment on facebook.

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