Question of the Week

WJON Question of the Week; Memorable Toy?
WJON Question of the Week; Memorable Toy?
WJON Question of the Week; Memorable Toy?
WJON's Question of the Week is asking you to recall a memorable toy you gave or received. It could be a Christmas gift like a bb-gun or a doll house. Let me know by calling 320-252-5852 between 9:10-10, email or comment on facebook.
WJON Question of the Week; Best Holiday Movie?
WJON Question of the Week; Best Holiday Movie?
WJON Question of the Week; Best Holiday Movie?
WJON's Question of the week is asking you to tell us what you think is the best Christmas/holiday movie? It would be one of the traditional specials like "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", "Frosty the Snowman" or "A Christmas Story" or "Christmas Vacation".

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