Mark Dayton

Dayton To Name Sertich IRRRB Commissioner
Dayton To Name Sertich IRRRB Commissioner
Dayton To Name Sertich IRRRB Commissioner
Gov. Mark Dayton has confirmed that Rep. Tony Sertich will be the new Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation Board commissioner. Dayton disclosed his pick during an interview in St. Paul on Monday afternoon. The Senate must confirm the nomination.
Dayton Pushes Taxes To Skeptical Business Crowd
Dayton Pushes Taxes To Skeptical Business Crowd
Dayton Pushes Taxes To Skeptical Business Crowd
Gov. Mark Dayton isn't shying from his push for higher taxes, taking it before a leading Minnesota business group that opposes him on the issue. Dayton addressed 1,500 members of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce with a won't-back-down message on taxes Thursday night.

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