King Banaian

Banaian: Returning SCSU Students Contribute Millions to Local Economy
Banaian: Returning SCSU Students Contribute Millions to Local Economy
Banaian: Returning SCSU Students Contribute Millions to Local Economy
Thousands of college students are returning to St. Cloud over the next week and are expected to generate millions in the local economy. Economist King Banaian says St. Cloud State University alone creates thousands of jobs in the area. Downtown shops and restaurants around town will benefit from having the students back in town.
SCSU’s Banaian Talks Local Economy on WJON [AUDIO]
SCSU’s Banaian Talks Local Economy on WJON [AUDIO]
SCSU’s Banaian Talks Local Economy on WJON [AUDIO]
St. Cloud State Dean, School of Public Affairs and Economics Professor King Banaian was my guest on WJON today. The topics he discussed include the adjustment local retail and restaurants have made to the August 1 minimum wage increase, the unemployment rate,
Banaian: Job Growth Slowed by Higher Minimum Wage
Banaian: Job Growth Slowed by Higher Minimum Wage
Banaian: Job Growth Slowed by Higher Minimum Wage
Minnesota's minimum wage goes up by a buck to $9 an hour on Saturday. It was a year ago on August 1st that the state's minimum wage was raised to $8 an hour. King Banaian is the Dean of the School of Public Affairs at St. Cloud State University.

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