Online shoppers may have to pay more for their purchases after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling saying that states can force online consumers to pay sales tax. However, that is only if the state they live in passes a law requiring the tax to be collected.
Republican State Representative Jim Knoblach says it's disappointing to learn Governor Mark Dayton vetoed two major pieces of legislation just days after lawmakers sent them to his desk.
Three St. Cloud metro area projects are included in the Minnesota House Bonding bill. St. Cloud Representative Jim Knoblach says upgrades to the St. Cloud National Guard Armory is funded in the bill.
Republican State Representative Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud continues to push an alternative plan to bring the Northstar Commuter Rail service to St. Cloud.
Minnesota Transportation Commissioner Charlie Zelle supports extending the Northstar Commuter Rail Line to St. Cloud. But, he doesn't agree with a St. Cloud lawmaker's plan on how to accomplish it.
Imagine a world without partisan politics at the state capitol, that's what a lawmaker from St. Cloud would like to see. Republican Representative Jim Knoblach says he'll introduce a bill this session that would allow state lawmakers to be elected without a political party designation.
Minnesota has a projected nearly $1.9 billion budget surplus. House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jim Knoblach of St. Cloud says he has tax relief in mind during the next legislative session.
The battle over education for four-year-olds has both sides digging in their heals. Governor Mark Dayton has vetoed the Education bill, because it didn't include funding for statewide all-day Pre-K. Republican Jim Knoblach is the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. He says that's just not going to happen.