St. Cloud Stand Down Opens New Veterans Resource Center
ST. CLOUD -- An organization that has been in our community for over 20 years finally has a place of their own. The St. Cloud Stand Down can be found in the former Jeff's Tattoo building on 33rd Avenue North.
Board Chair Bob Behrens says the building will house a variety of services that help veterans.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, MACV, Veteran Service Officers, these types of organizations, county veteran service officers can come in, so if a veteran needs something this is a place they can come.
The Clifford Beck Veterans Resource Center was made possible with a donation from Beck's family.
A grand opening ceremony will be held on Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
The center is staffed with all volunteers.
Also, the annual Stand Down expo is coming up on October 18th at the River's Edge Convention Center.
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