News @ Noon: Minnesota In The 70s [INTERVIEW]
UNDATED - Today on the News @ Noon show on WJON we talked with one of the co-authors of the book "Minnesota In The 70s". Thomas Saylor wrote the book with Dave Kenney. It is published by the Minnesota Historical Society Press.
The book tells the stories of people, places, and events that defined the state.
In the first segment of the interview, Saylor talks about the political fight to get the Metrodome built. It's a fight that seems to be very similar to the recent fight to build the new Minnesota Vikings Stadium:
In the second segment of the interview, Saylor discusses Minnesota's business climate in the 1970s. Minnesota has always been a state that has had large iconic national brands, but the decade of the 70s was a time of transition for older companies to ones that produced newer products, like 3M: