We have been hearing for years about how much the donations from people giving blood drop off during the summer months.  This makes sense because of how busy people are during the summer, and people just aren't as available for, or thinking about those types of things like they might be during the colder months here in Minnesota.

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Statistically, there are more traffic accidents and fatalities during the summer months.

To offset some of the depletion of blood supply, there are several blood drives that happen around the state.  One of which will be happening on Wednesday, August 7th at Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud.  Having the blood drive during the week is more successful than having it on a weekend, as more people are available.  The blood drive will run from noon to 7pm.  You can make an appointment or you can also try the walk in option.

Make an appointment to give blood by going to the Red Cross website at www.redcroTyssblood.org and entering "Crossroads Center". You can make a difference in the life of someone who, without you, may not have a life.

The goal is to collect 25 units of blood and walk-ins will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Each donor will receive a $20 Amazon e-gift card!

An Amazon Gift Card?!  Great!  There's the gift that can help you get something that you really like!  I'm one of those people who appreciates gift cards sometimes more than the actual gift.  But I also know that I am not in the majority on that one.

Type O blood is always in need, so is A+ blood.  So if you have one of those blood types, and you can find the time to donate, please do.

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