
Colbert Skewers Pawlenty’s Hipness
Colbert Skewers Pawlenty’s Hipness
Colbert Skewers Pawlenty’s Hipness
Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty's formed a committee to explore his options for running for President. And that means he's getting lots of attention from the likes of satirist Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report. See the video after the jump.
Pawlenty To Stop In Cleveland, Boston
Pawlenty To Stop In Cleveland, Boston
Pawlenty To Stop In Cleveland, Boston
Presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty is planning to give a keynote address during a visit to northeast Ohio, a highly contested swing state in presidential politics. Pawlenty will also be among the speakers at an April 15 tea party rally in Boston.
Dayton Casts GOP Tax Cuts As Giveaway To Rich
Dayton Casts GOP Tax Cuts As Giveaway To Rich
Dayton Casts GOP Tax Cuts As Giveaway To Rich
Minnesota House Republicans have outlined a series of income tax cuts, which Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton says would disproportionately benefit top earners.The House plan would lower two of Minnesota's three tax rates by a faction of a percent each, phasing the reductions in over three years.
Minn. Senate Rejects Dayton Income-Tax Plan
Minn. Senate Rejects Dayton Income-Tax Plan
Minn. Senate Rejects Dayton Income-Tax Plan
The Minnesota Senate has overwhelmingly rejected Gov. Mark Dayton's proposal to raise income taxes on the wealthy, but the Democratic governor called the vote political game-playing as he tussles with Republicans over how to fix the state's $5 billion budget shortfall. Republicans brought up Dayton's plan for a floor vote Thursday even though their members unanimously oppose it. Republicans say they need to start debating his plan to create a fourth income tax bracket on top earners.
Another Tim Pawlenty Presidential Movie Trailer Hits YouTube
Another Tim Pawlenty Presidential Movie Trailer Hits YouTube
Another Tim Pawlenty Presidential Movie Trailer Hits YouTube
Former Governor Tim Pawlenty is doing his darnedest to become the next big screen action hero -- or President of the United States.  Either way, his latest "trailer" -- featuring his speech to Tea Partiers in Phoenix last weekend -- strikes a patriotic chord, again, much like his last video release.
Bachmann Opponent Clark To Lead Green-Jobs Effort
Bachmann Opponent Clark To Lead Green-Jobs Effort
Bachmann Opponent Clark To Lead Green-Jobs Effort
The Democrat who lost in her bid to unseat Republican U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann will lead a nine-state grassroots campaign to create clean-energy jobs. Tarryl Clark is a former state senator from St. Cloud who gave up her seat to challenge Bachmann in what became the most expensive U.S. House race in 2010.

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