Outdoor News

Schmitt: How to Find Walleye On the Opener
Schmitt: How to Find Walleye On the Opener
Schmitt: How to Find Walleye On the Opener
The Minnesota Walleye Fishing Opener is Saturday and many anglers will be in pursuit of a walleye. Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News joined me on WJON. He says with water temperatures in Central Minnesota in the upper 50s to low 60s swallow water is the right location to look for walleye.
Schmitt: Central MN Ice Out Update
Schmitt: Central MN Ice Out Update
Schmitt: Central MN Ice Out Update
Ice out in Central Minnesota is making progress with the majority of lakes seeing the ice pull away from shorelines. Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News joined me on WJON. He indicates we're approximately a week to 10 days away from ice out in Central Minnesota.

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