The Truth About Minnesotans Eating Spiders in Our Sleep
Vermin...vermin everywhere. The Bugs of Summer are here (many of them are on my windshield), and it's time for the creepy crawlies to mosey about while we mosey about.
You may have heard that crickets are an excellent alternative source of protein (and if you want to show a screaming cicada who's boss, fire up the griddle!). But what about the urban (and rural) legend that we're eating spiders in our sleep?
Now, spiders in your house aren't necessarily a bad thing: they eat the smaller, more pesky bugs like flies and mosquitos. They'll usually build their Forever Home in a corner and mind their own business, patiently waiting for an unsuspecting house fly to make a terrible decision about landing on something that isn't poop-and-then-immediately-after your food.
Flys r dum.
Nearly half of Minnesotans believe that maintaining a clean home somehow immunizes their house from the annual bug invasion. Now, while keeping a tidy household will make your home significantly less enticing (want ants? Leave food on the floor) it won't erect an invisible force field around your house. The bug life, uh, finds a way.
43% of Minnesotans will squash a bug on-site, without trial or a second thought. 12% will relocate the intruder to the outdoors.

And if you're Choad you'll accidentally eat one of those invasive Asian lady beetles because you're eating a tasty snack in the dark and thought it was just a crumb. If you prefer to not violently vomit the entire contents of your digestive system, I recommend not eating Asian lady beetles.
Ah, core memories.
40% of Minnesotans still believe the old wives tale that people eat spiders in their sleep. Spiders are smarter than that. If you happen to notice that you've swallowed a spider, you should feel proud that by eliminating that idiotic arachnid from the general spider population, you've raised the average Spidey Sense IQ.
You're doing the lordt's work, and you don't even realize it.
H/T: Study Finds
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