Mark your Calendars! Harding Days Has Officially Set The 2024 Rodeo Dates!
As we brace for the warm weather that is on the way for Labor Day Weekend, you can start to look forward to next summer as the Harding Days Rodeo has announced its dates for next year, and you might want to take some extra time off around the 4th of July.
Recently the Harding Days Rodeo announced its 2024 dates, and the rodeo will fall on July 5th and 6th this year, so extend that 4th of July vacation a couple of days, pack up the family cruiser, and head to Harding.
We are excited to announce...The dates are set for 2024... mark your calendars for July 5th and 6th 2024. With rodeo performances on both the 5th and 6th and a parade on the 6th. Spread the word.... let's make this another great celebration!!! Harding Days Rodeo 2024
By all accounts, the Harding rodeo this year was a SMASHING success, and the people behind the rodeo are looking to grow and make 2024 even better.
To say Harding Days and the Harding Days Parade and Harding Days Rodeo were a success is an understatement!! The Lord blessed us with great weather and a fun and safe day for all!! We want to thank everyone who came out to enjoy this day. We live in a great community and without the support of the community, the amazing volunteers, and all of the wonderful sponsors this day would not have been possible. Please remember to support those that support you. The committee and volunteers will be meeting again soon to reflect on the day and start the discussion of next year's events.
2023 was the first year of the rodeo in Harding, and people came from far and wide to enjoy it, so start making plans to attend the rodeo in 2024.
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