Heinen and Ramler Compete Again for Cold Spring Mayor
COLD SPRING -- It's a rematch, Dave Heinen and Fran Ramler are once again competing against each other for the Cold Spring Mayor seat.
The pair competed in 2016 and Heinen came out winning in that election. Heinen has been serving as Cold Spring's Mayor since January 2017.
Before getting involved in local government, Heinen was a firefighter for the Cold Spring Fire Department for 23-years. After retiring, he decided to run for a city council position and has dedicated his time to the city ever since.
Heinen says he would like to see Cold Spring continue to grow. He feels that he and the council are on a good path to make that happen.
"I don't want it [Cold Spring growth] to go stagnant again. I think in the last ten years it was really slow growing. Now I think it's really nice, there are new houses going up, businesses are coming in, businesses building new places and adding on."
Heinen credits the council and his leadership for their work with completing the Red River Avenue and Main Street road construction projects within the past two years. He says he's looking forward to making more headway on the city hall development project.
Meanwhile, Ramler was appointed as Cold Spring's Mayor in September 2016. He served as interim mayor prior to Heinen being elected. Ramler has 23 years of experience serving on the Cold Spring council. It's been two years since he's last held a local public office position.
Calls to Ramler for comment on his candidacy went unanswered.
As for the Cold Spring City Council, members Shannon Miller and Gary Theisen are running unopposed. Councilmen Jayme Knapp and Doug Schmitz are both up for re-election in 2020.
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