Everyone Has a Story to Tell; Learn How to Tell Yours
Author Niamh McAnally wrote the book "Flares Up" about a pair of men who rowed 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean in 2016. McAnally was present to see to two men achieve their goal after 70 days, 9 hours and 11 minutes. The two were Phil Pugh and Paul Hopkins. The book is a true story about the two men, their motivation to achieve this goal and what they overcame to do it. The book is available on Amazon.com.

McAnally is from Ireland, was trained in television and is from what she describes as a "theatrical" family. She feels everyone has a story to tell but not everyone believes or has the knowledge to become a writer. McAnally is working to change that by teaching a writing class in Florida and is planning on making this class available as an online class as well. She says as a writer you need to gather all the information about the characters regardless if they are fictional or real. McAnally explains this needs to include their childhood and influences as to why they do the things they do. She says even though not everything appears on the page the reader gets to see the three dimensional person. McAnally says it is important to develop the arch of the character.
More information about McAnally's online writer class is available at thewriteronthewater.com. If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Niamh, it is available below.
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