April 18, 2016 | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Rink
102 Thomas Park Dr, Monticello, MN 55362 United States

Additional Information

United Legacy is a volunteer nonprofit organization that aids in the Search Rescue and Recovery of  people gone missing here in Minnesota, and bring them back home to their love ones.  You probably heard of us on the news. In the past year we have bought many people back home. Many times its not a happy ending. At least the families will have closure. With the Joe Brunn search in Ostego we had  5,000 volunteers that searched in the 5 days he was missing. We have made huge strides in our technology and skills in searching. This April will be our 1st anniversary since we began. We are planning a large fundraiser in May 20th at "The Rink" in Monticello. There will be dinner, live and silent auction, and entertainment.

This nonprofit organization is run solely with volunteers and generous people, and companies donations. Without it we would not exist. You can find out more on the event out at unitedlegacy.org