April 2, 20125:30 PMInvalid DateInvalid Date
There is no charge for Stearns History Museum members; admission for non-members is $5.

Additional Information

In collaboration with the St. Cloud Civil War Roundtable group, the Stearns History Museum will host a Show and Tell on April 2, 2012, from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, highlighting local collections of Civil War artifacts and period items.

Items on display may include Civil War-era muskets, swords, revolvers, uniforms, surgical kits, medical equipment, GAR pins, mustering-out papers, and many other items.

The owners of these items will be on hand to provide information about and answer questions about their collections. We invite anyone who has an artifact that they would like to show and share, and others who want to attend to see these items.

Please join us for this intriguing presentation. There is no charge for Stearns History Museum members; admission for non-members is $5.