until September 5, 2017, 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Eagles Healing Nest
48379 County Road 7 , Staples, MN 56479 United States

Additional Information

Pet Expo Raises Funds for Veteran Healing Campus in Sauk Centre
The Nest Pet Expo is a family and pet friendly community event celebrating animals and what they do for us. The event will raise funds for the Nest’s Dog House, where Nest Veterans will train service dogs for other Veterans suffering from wounds of war.
The Nest Pet Expo is June 4th from 10 am to 4 pm at the Eagle’s Healing Nest in Sauk Centre, MN. It is a free event and leashed pets are welcome. Exotic, farm and pet animals will be in attendance, along with adoptable animals from area rescues and shelters. Crafters, vendors, K9s teams, search and rescue teams, Veterans organizations, local businesses and many other members of the community are supporting the event.
Leading the event planning is an Osakis native, 4 year Army Veteran, and local small business owner. Cassie from Off Leash K9 Training, Central MN, donates time each week to train the dogs that currently reside at the Nest with their Veterans. Their goal is to train service dogs at the Eagle’s Healing Nest for the Veterans that need them, in partnership with Patriot Assistance Dogs out of Detroit Lakes.
Available: Photos and Videos, On-Site Interviews Prior to the Event with Event Planners, Eagle’s Healing Nest Directors, and/or Resident Veterans, On-Site Coverage During the Event.
About Eagle’s Healing Nest
Eagle’s Healing Nest is a non-profit 501c3 campus in Sauk Centre that houses 70+ Veterans at any time. Veterans receive treatment and support from comrades to heal from invisible wounds of war. To learn more visit www.eagleshealingnest.com, www.nestpetexpo.com or call us at 320.491.3347.