Morning Newswatch with Jay Caldwell

Pheasant Opening Weekend Takeaway; Fall Fishing
Pheasant Opening Weekend Takeaway; Fall Fishing
Pheasant Opening Weekend Takeaway; Fall Fishing
Pheasant hunting opened in Minnesota last weekend and early returns indicate good participation. That according to Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News. He explains conservation officer reports show the southwestern and western portions of Minnesota saw the most success and largest participation.
Stearns County Sheriff Honors Fallen Officer
Stearns County Sheriff Honors Fallen Officer
Stearns County Sheriff Honors Fallen Officer
Every year the Stearns County Sheriff's Office honor guard honors an officer on the anniversary of that officer's death. Wednesday they honored deputy Steven Sandberg from Aitkin County who was killed while guarding a prisoner on October 18, 2015 at St. Cloud Hospital.

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