Klobuchar Presents Bronze Star To Family Of WWII VetKlobuchar Presents Bronze Star To Family Of WWII VetU.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has presented the Bronze Star and other war medals to the family of a World War II veteran. The Associated PressThe Associated Press
‘Accidental Hero’ Returns to St. John’s University [AUDIO]‘Accidental Hero’ Returns to St. John’s University [AUDIO]Celebrate Veterans' Day with a performance by Patrick Dewane. 'Accidental Hero' tells the story of his grandfather, and how he helped liberate southern Czechoslovakia during World War II. Joshua AkkermanJoshua Akkerman
Benefit Set for Little Falls Vet Who Lost HandBenefit Set for Little Falls Vet Who Lost HandA benefit is set for Saturday for a Little Falls veteran who lost his right hand in a farm accident. The Associated PressThe Associated Press