Sartell Yarn Group Giving Gift of Homemade Hats, Scarves [VIDEO]Sartell Yarn Group Giving Gift of Homemade Hats, Scarves [VIDEO]A group of woman are showing it's truly better to give than receive.Alex SvejkovskyAlex Svejkovsky
Birds of Prey Spread Wings At Sartell Community Center [VIDEO]Birds of Prey Spread Wings At Sartell Community Center [VIDEO]Birds of prey got to spread their wings inside the Sartell Community Center Thursday, as residents learned a few things about some amazing birds found in Minnesota.Alex SvejkovskyAlex Svejkovsky
Sartell Residents Aim To Make Sure City’s Past Has a FutureSartell Residents Aim To Make Sure City’s Past Has a FutureA group of Sartell residents are working on a way to uphold the town's history, to teach a younger generation what once was.Alex SvejkovskyAlex Svejkovsky