I have some bittersweet news to share, after nearly three and a half years at WJON - Townsquare Media – St. Cloud - Friday will be my last day. I will be moving on in my career to exciting new challenges but will forever cherish my time in the newsroom and as your Rush Hour host.
Have you ever met someone in your life that made a profound influence on you? Maybe it was a friend or family member. For me, it was my high school journalism teacher, Mrs. Mary Grundhoefer. I can count maybe five outstanding teachers that I've had the privilege to sit in their classroom (including college) and Grundhoefer is no doubt the best of the best.
If you find yourself with a free weekend this summer and you're looking for a quick and fun getaway, one suggestion I have is St. Paul and Minneapolis. Of course, as a life long Minnesotan, I've been there many times but I'm still finding new things to do.
I have been a big fan of the country music band Highway 101, and their lead singer Paulette Carlson, for years. So when I heard that Carlson was going to be in St. Cloud for a benefit for the VFW Post 428, I jumped at the chance to meet her and see her sing.
This past weekend I took a vacation in the beautiful city of San Antonio, Texas. It was my first visit to the city, in fact it was the first time I had ever been in the state of Texas. From the time I booked my trip I have heard nothing but great things about the city from others that have been there before, so I was anxious to see it for myself. The city did not disappoint me.
For me one of the best times to sit down and read a good book is summertime. It's great to have reading material while I'm out relaxing at the lake. And, when I'm home, there's not a lot of new programming on T.V. (with the exception of the past couple of weeks and the Olympics).
I am one of those rare guys that loves to dance, which means I’m usually a pretty big hit at wedding dances. I think I just having dancing in my blood, I’ve often heard stories of my maternal grandparents spending many nights at a local ballroom back in the day.