Two funds from the Central Minnesota Community Foundation have given $78,850 to local programs that focus on improving the lives of women and girls in central Minnesota.
The Central Minnesota Community Foundation is opening the "Flooding in Somalia Fund" to help people in Somalia after floods have impacted over 750,000 individuals.
Six grants totaling $475,000 will help communities of color in central Minnesota. The Central Minnesota Community Foundation announced the recipients of the 2018 Minnesota State Opportunity Grant.
The Central Minnesota Community Foundation has hired a new Executive Director. Caryl Turnow will start her new job in mid June. For the past ten years she has worked as the Senior Development Officer for Community Funds and Planned Giving at the Northwest Minnesota Foundation based in Bemidji.
The annual Charity Challenge match is back this holiday season. The Norman C. Skalicky Foundation and the Central Minnesota Community Foundation are teaming-up to help three local food shelves. The Skalicky Foundation will match every dollar donated, up to $100,000.
The Norman C. Skalicky Foundation and the Central Minnesota Community Foundation raised a record $418,000 for local food shelves in this year's Charity Challenge.