January 19
Whitney Senior Center
1527 Northway Drive, St Cloud, MN 56303 United States
(320) 255-7245

Additional Information

Everyone ages. It is an inherent property of life. As our bodies and minds develop over time, we adapt to these changes by modifying our decisions and actions. The later years of life can be especially challenging, but the Whitney Senior Center is here to provide help through our Wellness Workshops. The good news is you can learn to take better care of yourself with fun, interactive classes right in your community, or join us online with Zoom. You'll practice setting goals based on your priorities and tackle topics from reading food labels to coping with emotions. These workshops help you implement healthy behaviors into your daily life! Register for the Diabetes Prevention Program here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/whitneysc/DPPRegistration , or take a look at our other workshops here: https://hipaa.jotform.com/whitneysc/WorkshopRegistration