Tomorrow - Saturday, 8/18 - is the date of an annual event that brings a lot of smiles and full tummies to a lot of people:  The Lutgen Companies' annual "cookout for a Cause"!

A few years ago, John Lutgen had an idea of giving back to the community that means so much to him and his family, so he decided to host a charity fundraiser.

FULL STOP!  This charity event is not like most others - This one allows you to choose your favorite local charity, and the Lutgen Companies will match your donation, up to $500.00!

In the first two years, the total raised is just under $20,000.00.

The GOAL this year is $20,000.00!

The Lutgen Companies annual "Cookout for a Cause" starts 11 AM tomorrow, just outside Denny & Kathy's ACE Hardware.

They have employed the incredible talents of a mystery chef who knows more about grilling the perfect brat than Legasse, Flay, or Nelson COMBINED!

OK, it is getting deep.  Roll up your pantlegs, 'cuz it is too late to save your shoes!

Yours truly will be cooking the brats & hotdogs, and remember this:  The larger your donation, the better the guarantee that YOUR food stays off the parking lot!

A brat & a pop is just $2.00, you get to name the charity that benefits from your donation, and John Lutgen will be matching your donations up to $500.00.

We'll see you in the morning!


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